Date & Time
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Make sure your frontline is prepared -- for anything!

Frontline employees deal with the unexpected on a daily basis. Problems like mechanical downtimes, product stockouts and difficult customers are unfortunate parts of the job. But frontline work can go from difficult to dangerous without warning as employees encounter a range of potential challenges, including workplace violence, organized theft and weather-related emergencies. Your employees may need to make split-second decisions to keep themselves and others safe. How do you make sure your teams are always current, capable and confident—no matter what may happen during their next shift?

We may not be able to stop every bad thing from happening, but we can make sure systems are in place to build a ready, resilient workforce. Join Axonify’s Chief Learning Architect, JD Dillon, and a panel of senior frontline leaders for a frank, practical discussion on employee preparedness.

Location Name
Symphony Ballroom